




Guide to Low-Light Houseplants: Plants, Care Tips, and More!


Transform your living space into a lush and vibrant oasis with this beginner’s guide to low light houseplants. Discover the best plant varieties for different lighting conditions, learn essential care tips to keep your plants thriving, and explore creative ways to incorporate greenery into your home décor. Get ready to bring the beauty and benefits of plants indoors!

Are you tired of your dark corners looking like the set of a horror movie? Fear not! Low-light houseplants are here to save the day. These tough beauties can thrive in the shadiest spots of your home, proving that even plants have a sense of adventure. Check out this short guide I put together on low light houseplants, including some plant suggestions, care tips and more!

The Power of Low-Light Houseplants

Low-light houseplants are like the superheroes of the plant world. They can survive in conditions that would make other plants curl up and cry for their mommies. They’re the survivors, the rebels, and they bring life and greenery to the dullest of spaces.

Choosing Low-Light Houseplants

When it comes to selecting houseplants for low-light areas, it’s time to think outside the box. Here are a few unique low-light houseplants that will bring some pizzazz to your home:

Snake Plant

This plant is like the Chuck Norris of the plant world. It can handle low light, neglect, and even your terrible singing in the shower. Its sword-shaped leaves add a touch of drama to any room.


Pothos is the laid-back surfer dude of the plant world. It’s cool, it’s easygoing, and it can handle low to moderate light levels like a champ. Plus, its variegated leaves bring a touch of funky style to your décor.

ZZ Plant

The ZZ plant is the plant equivalent of a Zen master. It’s low-maintenance, low-light tolerant, and radiates calm vibes. Its glossy leaves will make you feel like you’re in a tropical paradise, even if you’re just sitting on your couch.

Parlor Palm

This palm tree is the diva of low-light areas. It thrives in the spotlight of minimal light and brings a touch of elegance to any space. It’s like having your own personal celebrity in plant form.

Essential Care Tips

Taking care of your low-light houseplants is easier than teaching a cat to play fetch. Here are some essential care tips that even the most plant-challenged person can handle:

These plants are like your friends who never seem to get thirsty. They prefer slightly drier conditions, so don’t drown them with too much water. Give them a drink when the soil is slightly dry, and they’ll be happy. I water mine about once every week or two, depending on how wet the soil feels when I put my hand in there. If it still feels damp after an inch or two into the soil, hold off on watering!

Low-light plants are like vampires—they prefer the shadows. Keep them away from direct sunlight, or they might turn into crispy critters. Find them a cozy spot with filtered or indirect light, and they’ll thrive. I keep mine in a north facing window that is partially underground, and they do great!

Dusting is the unsung hero of plant care. Your low-light plants might not complain, but their leaves need some TLC. Give them a gentle wipe with a damp cloth or a soft brush to keep them looking their best. There are also special gloves you can buy online that do the trick!

These plants have a slow and steady approach to growth. They don’t need a buffet of fertilizer. Feed them with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every few months, and they’ll be happy campers. I mix some liquid fertilizer into my watering can once every few months and do it that way.

Bringing Life to Every Corner

Now that you have some unique low-light houseplant options and essential care tips, it’s time to get creative with your décor. Here are a few ideas to help you bring life to every corner of your home:

Dark Corners

Brighten up those dimly lit corners with a snake plant or a cast iron plant. Their dark green foliage will thrive and add a pop of color to the space.

Shelves and Bookcases

Pothos or ZZ plants are perfect for trailing down from shelves or bookcases, adding a touch of cascading greenery to your décor.


Create a spa-like atmosphere in your bathroom with a maidenhair fern or a Chinese evergreen. Their lush foliage will thrive in the higher humidity levels typically found in bathrooms.

Join the Green Revolution!

Are you ready to embrace the beauty and benefits of low-light houseplants? Start by incorporating some of these unique varieties into your home. Whether you’re an experienced plant lover or just beginning your indoor gardening journey, low-light houseplants are an excellent choice for adding life to every corner.

Leave a comment below and let me know which low-light plants you’re excited to bring into your home. I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences, as long as they don’t involve talking plants or any secret plant society meetings!

Happy greening!


Moonlit Grimoire

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Plant Life

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